Sunday, March 1, 2015

Congratulations to March's CrossFitter of the month, Kenny Plossl! GREAT JOB!

Congratulations!  Kenny is the CrossFit Silver Fox CrossFitter of the month for March!  He has been dedicated, driven and a wonderful presence at the gym and we are thrilled to have him! From PR's to just overall hard work, he is an asset and inspiration to others in the gym.  Congrats again and keep up the hard work.

What made you want to join CrossFit Silver Fox?

I had always wanted to try CrossFit, and one day I was looking at The Batavian and I read the article about the gym opening up in the Harvester building, so I decided to give it a try. I have always enjoyed trying different workouts and I have heard that CrossFit workouts are different everyday so I thought it would be a good fit. I’m glad I decided to give it a try because its been 5 months and I look forward to coming in every day.

What were you nervous about before starting, and now realized it was nothing to worry about?

I would say I was most nervous about the heavier lifting aspect of CrossFit. I’ve always tried to stay pretty active, but my strengths are more in running than in lifting. I have surprised myself in what I’ve been able to lift. At times I still get nervous I’m going to hurt my back on dead lifts, but it doesn’t discourage me from at least trying.

What is the biggest thing you’ve noticed since you began?

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is in how I feel in general. I just feel altogether more healthy and more trim than when i first started. I don’t know if waking up early every morning and going to the 6AM class has boosted my immune system, but I’ve managed to avoid getting sick unlike everyone around me. I hope I didn’t just jinx myself!

What have you improved the most in?

The area in which I have improved the most in I would have to say is Double Unders. When I first joined I remember thinking it looked impossible to be able to do continuous Double Unders unbroken, so I was pretty stoked when I was able to do just one! I’ve  gotten to 62 so I’m pretty excited about that.

What do you enjoy the most at the gym?

The thing I enjoy the most at the gym the most is running. I like to enter races (when the cold air doesn’t hurt my face and everything isn’t covered in a mountain of snow). I also really enjoy when we do hand stands and hand stand pushups; doing inversions reminds me of yoga.

What differences have you noticed in yourself since joining?

The biggest difference I’ve noticed since joining would be just being more aware of what I’m putting into my body. Since I try to go every morning I have made more of a conscious effort to eat a lot healthier than I had before.

What is your Kryptonite?

My kryptonite would have to be burpees. No matter how long you do them, they never magically become fun, and anyone that says they love burpees is probably kidding!

What do you love the most about CrossFit?

What I love the most about CrossFit is the atmosphere there. It’s not like going to the gym by yourself, using a few machines and then leaving because you are bored. The workouts are set for you so you don’t have to think, “hmm, what to do next?”. Everyone there is very supportive and encouraging too, so if you put in the time and effort you will definitely see results. It is a great way to start the day feeling accomplished!

What do you like the least?

What do I like the least? Probably waking up to come, I set my alarm for 5, and I have to hit the snooze button once or twice before making myself get up to leave the house. Once I’m in the car and fully awake I feel fine. Once winter is over I anticipate it will get a lot easier!

What are your future goals at the gym?

My personal goals for my workouts would be to keep pushing myself every time I come. In the 5 months since I’ve been there I have set some personal records for myself and I hope to continue to beat those!

I’m very glad I found out about CrossFit SilverFox. I have met some great people and have pushed myself hard and have seen results. If anyone would like to join me in any upcoming races this spring let me know!