Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Congratulations to Michael Harasimowicz, April's CrossFitter of the month!!

Congratulations to Michael Harasimowicz!!! He is CrossFit Silver Fox's CrossFitter of the month for April!

Congratulations!  Michael is the CrossFit Silver Fox CrossFitter of the month for April!  He has been dedicated, driven and a wonderful presence at the gym and we are thrilled to have him....not that we have a choice lol .From PR's to just overall hard work, he is always busting his ass to be #1.  Congrats again and keep up the hard work.

Name: Michael Harasimowicz
Occupation:  Veterinary Technician
Home: Batavia, NY

How did you hear about CFSF?
My brother is the owner

What made you want to join CrossFit Silver Fox?
Jason would not shut up(he seriously would not) about how awesome Crossfit is.

What made you nervous before joining?
Olympic style lifting.  I was worried about injuring myself or dropping the weight when lifting above my head.  Thanks to Jason's amazing training(not really lol) I have become more confident in the movements.

What is the biggest thing you've noticed since you began?
I have abs now.  Plus I learned all the best ways to lift my shirt up inconspicuously from Jason. Why use a towel when you can just use the bottom part of your shirt.

What have you improved the most in?
Everything.  I have become much stronger, I have more endurance, and have even become a better runner.  Crossfit has greatly improved my overall fitness level.

What do you enjoy the most at the gym?
The friendly atmosphere.  It is a great place to workout where everyone is open and welcoming.

What differences have you noticed (non-physical) in yourself since joining?
I have become much more committed to fitness and eating better.

What is your Kryptonite?
Push press and deadlifts

What do you love the most about CrossFit?
The competitive atmosphere, everyone is always pushing each other to do better.

Is there someone that inspires you?
Darth Vader, I hope to one day be as strong in the force as him.(I already have the lightsaber.)

What do you like the least?
The parking lol, my shocks can't take much more.

What are your future goals at the gym?
Keep getting stronger and do a muscle up that isn't painful.