· Age: 37
· Occupation: accounting
· City: Corfu NY
· When did you start CrossFit? Feb 2017 (I think)
· What do you do when you’re not here? When I am not working out I am working or home with kids. Running around. Nothing that is to thrilling.
· What brought your to CrossFit Silver Fox? A girl started doing crossfit training and it sounded like fun. Then I saw that Sara and Michelle did it in Batavia and it made me want to join up and try it.
· What keeps you at CrossFit Silver Fox?Great stress relief for me. And lets face I love the muscles and feeling great about myself.
· Now that you're hear, what was your biggest misconception?
· Biggest Improvements/struggles with CrossFit? My biggest improvements are I can use a real bar now!!! And adding weights on. My biggest struggles are balance, burpees.
· How many days do you train at CrossFit Silver Fox? I only train 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) a week. Would love to do more but at this time I just don’t have the time in the day to do it.
· What makes your come in and train on days when you don’t want to? What makes in go train even on days I don’t want is that I know I will always feel better once I work out. And If I want results I have to put in time in.
· What is your approach towards nutrition? My approach towards nutrition is I eat what I want just not as much as I did before. I have learned to be good 80% of the time and bad 20% of the time. If I gave up everything I loved I would run back to it one day and that would not be good. No one can be good 100% of the time. Everyone needs a little cheat day.
· Favorite workout? None of them. J I like workouts that challenges me.
· What is the most challenging part of your CrossFit journey? One of the most challenging parts of crossfit is really all of it for me. I have lower back problems so this whole journey has been a trial and error for me. If it hurts scale back and ask for help from one of the trainers. But thanks to Jen and Jason my back has never been better. Yeah it hurts now and then but nothing like it before.
· Super Power you would want most?The super power that I would most want is super speed. I have a lot to do in a short amount of time. It would be nice to have super speed to get things done.
· Any advice for new comers? My advice for new comers is… This class is hard at first but it will get better. Take your time do things at your own speed. You don’t need to keep up with anyone but yourself. Be proud of what you complete. And NEVER GIVE UP!!
· Favorite activities outside of CrossFit?My favorite activities outside of crossfit is playing with my two boys (3 Bryce and 6 Brody). This keep me on my toes and very busy. I try to workout with them but I end up doing all the work. Spending time with family and friends. Lets face it I don’t have a life outside of work, crossfit, and my kids.
· Name something about yourself that is a little known fact. I am not sure about this.
· Accomplishments at the gym. PR’s, Weight Loss, etc? Jen has my numbers marked down. And weight loss you can use the numbers I posted. If you need me to send them I can
· Goals for the remainder of the year?My goals for the rest of this year is to just continue this journey I am on to make myself happy.
· Who inspires you? Who inspires me I would have to say my mother.