Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Hey everyone! Jen here!
It has been too long since I've blogged, so here we go!

The other day I enjoyed an amazing lunch at Melissa's house, and have to share the delicious, simple, easy, clean recipe!

Buffalo Chicken Quinoa


2 chicken breasts
1 cup quinoa
2-3 stalks of celery
hand full of carrots
1 cup of  your favorite wing sauce 
crumbled blue cheese

(I doubled this recipe to last for the week,)
Cook the chicken breast.  I put the chicken in the crock-pot on high for 2 hours (went to the gym) came home and shredded it.

Heat up the wing sauce, pour 1/4 over the chicken and mix until coated.

Boil the quinoa following the directions on the package.

Add to the chicken.
Dice carrots and celery, saute for about 5 mins in a pan or until desired tenderness.

Add to the quinoa and chicken.
Pour the remaining wing sauce over the bowl and mix!

Serve with a sprinkle of crumbled blue cheese and enjoy!!

This is a very simple and quick meal to throw together! It is full of flavor and holds up well for the week, if it lasts that long! 

A very special thank you to Melissa Domoy for finding this recipe!! 

Do you have a great recipe you know everyone will love? Send them to me! I would love to try them and share them!

Thanks everyone! Keep training hard and eating right! 

Also every time I say quinoa this video is all I think of......"What's a legume?" (at 3:25)  Enjoy haha

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not  an act, but a habit.


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