April 2016's CrossFitter of the Month
Every month we would like to recognize a member of CrossFit Silver Fox that is a great role model of our growing community. Our CrossFitter of the Month is Wendy!!! Wendy embodies traits that we deem to be most important in making CrossFit Silver Fox such a special place. She shows a strong commitment to her overall health and fitness, and she helps make others around her better. She has shown tremendous changes and is always 100% positive!!! Congrats Wendy!
- Age-39
- Occupation-HR Coordinator
- City: Batavia
When did you start at CFSF? Started November 4, 2015
What do you do when you're not at the gym? When not at the gym- household stuff, running kids around, shopping.
What brought you to us? I came to CrossFit to be at a gym with trainers that will push you and guide you through workouts. Jason made me feel very comfortable the first time I spoke to him about CrossFit.
What keeps you with us? What keeps me at CrossFit is great workouts. They can be tough but everyone can get through them, trainers-Jason and Jen stick with you and motivate you throughout the workouts. You leave the gym feeling like you really accomplished a lot and you feel great after- both physically and mentally. All of the members are great to get along with, always encourage each other and help get each other through the workouts.
What is the biggest misconception about CrossFit? Biggest misconception is that CrossFit just bulks you up with muscles and you will look odd. Even though you are building muscles, the cardio workouts are just as important as the weights.
What are your biggest improvements? Biggest improvements- I don't mind burpees any more, struggles are putting a lot of cardio and weights together in one set, but I'm getting there and don't stop as much.
How often do you train? I go 4-5 days a week. I was really worried at the beginning whether I could handle 3 days per week, but I love it and I really don't like missing days. I have had days I didn't want to be there, but by the time I left, I felt so much better, you leave in a good mood and really happy you didn't skip that day.
Approach to nutrition? Nutrition is rough just because I am such a bad snacker. I didn't think I ate that bad until this food challenge. Getting into different eating habits is hard, but when you set your mind to something, it pays off. My family is also thinking about how they eat also, so it is benefiting all of us. Even though there are things I miss like pizza- I love how I don't feel sluggish and bogged down when I eat. I feel like doing more than just sitting on the couch after dinner.
Favorite workout? No favorite workout- there are too many things that are completely exciting when you accomplish them-175 lb deadlift, crazy but I did it. Even doing the form correct while you keep adding weights is exciting to know what you can do.
Superpower? The Superpower I want most is superhuman strength.
What is your most challenging part so far? My most challenging part of Crossfit journey is not stopping- just keep going. Jason and Jen have both gotten after me when I stop. For too long- but they know we can keep going-I just need that push sometimes.
Advice for new comers- You will get through the first few hard weeks, but after that you can't wait to come back. Don't worry, Jason and Jen will work you through everything.
Outside activities? Favorite activities outside CrossFit- shopping now that I can fit in smaller clothes.
Accomplishments- not wanting to die after 20 burpees and wall balls. 175lb deadlift. I was very slow at running- pushed to go faster and I'm way better now. Not stopping so much is big- at the beginning I thought at times I was never going to finish the sets and even though time runs out sometimes, I do finish. Since I started at Crossfit Silverfox, I have lost 24 lbs and I am two Jean sizes down. I am so much farther along with getting into shape and losing weight than I thought was possible in November- I am still amazed.
Goals for the remainder of the year- Continue 4-5 days a week, continue eating healthy and continue working towards a toned body. Continue working on reaching higher max weights too.
Who inspires you?- Everyone at CrossFit Silver Fox. Seeing what our trainers can do and having their guidance and encouragement, seeing members that achieve higher levels completely makes you want to work harder and they all congratulate you as you reach milestones or just the fact you got a form right or you got something you couldn't do before and that made your day.
Thank you for this reward of CrossFitter of the month. It really makes me want to accomplish more. I love CrossFit Silver Fox!--Wendy
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